Wow, this weekend was bittersweet. I couldn't wait for Ryan to swim this meet in Dalton. It's a trophy meet and I thought she had a great shot at a couple trophies. As it turns out, she didn't get any (unless there is one for High Point, then she is in the running for that). She swam FANTASTIC! Pinkie had 5 out of 10 events beat her best time. That is really good! Her best event was the 100 FR where she paced for 75 and then sprinted for the last 25, everyone was watching her race to the was really neat to watch. I can't wait for her to hit the summer swim team pool. Great job girly!! :)
The flip side was that this was Jared's last meet as a 10U. He has been swimming with his buddy Anthony, but now he will move up. This also means that we will be morning shift for one swimmer and afternoon for the other. Swim meets just went from a half day marathon to a full day schedule hijack. Jared swam ok this meet. His breast stroke is completely shot for some reason. Have no clue what happened to it but his fly is taking off. On his 100 Fly yesterday he had an epiphany. Apparently he figured something out, something clicked (like riding a bike I guess) and he did really well. I told him that practice was the time for that not at meets but at least he got the feel of's only been 5 years. Anyway, his new "trick" worked because he swam the 50 fly like his hair was on fire today. He came in 2nd in his heat where he was seeded 4th. He would have had a 2nd place trophy but someone from a previous heat leapfrogged over him and he made 3rd. Awesome. He also got a 3rd place trophy from the 100 FL the day before. He did ok on points, like I said, they may not get overall point trophys...we'll have to wait and see what happenes when they get to the pool on Monday.
Next up, Long Course---ugh---we go from yards to meters and 50/100/200 instead of 25/50/100/200...the events drag on and so do the meets. Jared is only doing two this summer and Ryan, one. They will be doing summer team for the neighborhood again and I don't want them getting burned out.
12 years ago