Yippiee, I received a 5th place for this photo and I ♥ Faces gave me this cool button as a prize:) I can't wait to enter next week! If you want to see all the winners from week 8, click here:
I ♥ Faces-Winners Week 8

Yahoo! This week on I ♥ Faces--is MESSY. Anyone who knows Ryan, knows we have a plethora of "Messy" photos. When she went through the "two's" she went through the distructo-two's...it was WAY messy, anything from kitty litter sandcastles, to dumping an entire bottle of fuchsia nail polish on our carpeted bathroom floor (she thought her nails were beautiful). She finally outgrew it but we still have pictures. Go to http://www.iheartfaces.com/ to see what all the mess is about...I ♥ Faces-Winners Week 8
I think it looks even better in B/W because it makes her eyes stand out more and mascara kind of -"pops" out at you...A HUGE thank you to Karyn on I ♥ Faces, her tutorial on photo size, made this picture larger then life.
This week they have a beginners category (yahoo!)
"You’re a beginner if you can answer yes to 3 or more of these questions...
• Have you recently started taking photos or taking photography more seriously?
• Do you have NO idea how your camera works yet?
• Are your skills average or below average?
• Are you clueless when we talk about Aperture?
• You don't even know what editing means.... let alone have an editing program for your photos?
• Are you willing to be open for constructive criticism from the other participants?"
So if you've been intimidated in the past-now is your week click on the button to get details.

Girls are sooo funny...CUTE picture!!
Can't blame the girl for trying to be fashionable! Very cute!
what a great picture! my daughter has gotten into my makeup bag a couple of times and come out with the mascara all over her face. so cute! i just found the i heart faces site this week and have loved looking at all the great pics.
Congratulations on a top ten finish! What a great (and hilarious) shot!
OH...bless her heart. She was just trying to bring her eyes out a little more. She a little beauty with or without the mascara. Great shot!
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