At our school the 5th graders have a month long celebration leading up to their last day. Let me tell you-it is a TON of work to be on this committee but I would do anything for my kids and especially my Bu. He had a wonderful year and is looking forward to starting school with Jared in the Fall. Ryan on the other hand is not so excited. This is the first time she will be alone and she is already missing the bubbys.
First stop on the whirlwind tour is the class trip up to Tennessee. Half of the group goes to the aquarium and the other half to Ruby Falls. We meet for lunch and an IMAX movie then swap to the other destination. The coolest part is the coach bus! ;) I love this trip even though I am exhausted when I get back home. Just the beginning....
...Next stop is Chalker Idol. It is the 5th grade talent show and I was REALLY surprised how good these kids are at so many things. It was also a chance for the 5th grade band to perform. Kevin has been working away at learning the trumpet. This year he had 6 months of instruction. He is really looking forward to starting band next year at Palmer. Yay us--twice the concerts and boosters but he loves it!
Kevin and his best buddy Jackson. They have been tight since...I don't know...ever? I can't believe how much taller J-man is than This afternoon was the 5th grade Luau. We have a Dj, full buffet lunch, snow cones and yearbook signing. So much fun and really gets you ready for summer.
Right after the luau the committee cleans up outside and sets up inside for the awards ceremony and banquet luncheon. For the 3rd year I was asked to make the balloon arch. I have mad skillz that I learned from YouTube. It's not hard but I love to do it. I am now known as the balloon lady at school. There are worse things! ;) This is a Pic of Kevin a Laurel. Ask him about Laurel sometime :D Both of them got the highest Honor for grades, Super job kids!
Last breakfast with the bubby-I am surprised she smiled for the picture.
The final celebration is the walk of fame. The kids walk the halls while all the other kids wave and cry. Lord is there alot of cryin going on. Kids, Parents, siblings,'s a sob fest. After they say goodbye to the school they get to do a wagon train through the parking lot on the buses, this gives the parents time to get home and meet the bus at home, just in case they have something planned...hehehehe
yeah, we silly stringed the boy. He was the only 5th grader at our stop so I had to do something.
What's that Karen? Why are you laughing at me??
oh, I guess just cause you hold the camera you may think you are safe from the string...NOPE! MmmHmmm-It got in my ear.
Way to go Kevman, we are SO PROUD of YOU!!