Monday, June 23, 2008

Don't BE the best, just DO your best...

So tonight was our last swim meet for summer and boy was it exciting. Jared finally broke a 20 second freestyle with a 19.45...wahoo! Ryan was such the little firecracker! A lady looked at her in concessions and said, "you're too little to swim, how old are you?" and she replied, "I'm five!" to which the lady said, "well, are you fast?" and she looked at her like, duh, and said, "yes, I'm a firecracker!"...I had to look at the lady and say, "she's small but mighty"...Kevin did something NEVER before done in our house. He swam in five events and took a blue in EVERY event. If you remember last weeks post, he just got his first blue EVER, and this week he came in first in each event. Must have been the Smoothie King shake he had with his dinner!

Some cool news to report. Michael Arnold, a US Olympic hopeful, swam against us this evening. Jared sees him all the time at Gold practice, but he lives in the subdivision we were against tonight. He swam against one of our coaches and it was really something for the little kids. I don't think a lot of them "got" it, but it was pretty darn cool.

All in all it was a great night and we are ready to head off to the beach for a while. I am looking forward to our last Gold practice this Friday. Ryan will be trying out with Coach Karen to determine her placement for next year. I'll keep you posted!

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