No pictures today, too hectic. Last night we started off with Jared swimming two events and me timing. Jared did well on his 50 free, right on his time. He also swam the 200IM to which he has never posted a time. I think he's tried it two or three times and he always gets a DQ. This time he posted a time which was very close to his friends seed times. I thought he did great!
This morning we had to split duties. Rob took Kevin to football in Canton and I took the swimmers to Mt. View. I H.A.T.E to miss my kids playing sports. It tore my heart out to not be there for him. Stupid schedule conflict. Kevin's team lost but he said he had a great time. He played defense for the first quarter and only one offensive play. Maybe he'll start next week...we will have to wait and see.
Jared and Ryan we up at oh-dark-30 for a 7am warm up. We had many guest appearances today, Grammy, Auntie Nancy, Mrs. Havird (Ryan's teacher) and her hubby Scott. Mrs. Havird used to swim for Gold so that was fun for everyone. Many thanks to everyone that came out to cheer on the kids! :)
Jared's times:
100 Free dropped off 2 seconds
50 backstroke dropped 5 seconds
100 breast right on his time (+.20) AND he was in a last heat.
50 fly dropped 4 seconds....AWESOME JOB today Jared!
Pinkie's times:
50 free dropped 14 seconds
25 back dropped 3 seconds
25 fly dropped 2 seconds AND was in the last heat (the fastest swimmers)
100 IM she dropped13 seconds....GREAT JOB PINKIE!!
Off to watch some football and catch a snooze!!!
12 years ago
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