Piggy towel, lunch at Grand Cayman, and on the docks in Coz.

Unlucky day fishing in Cozumel, getting back on the tender in Belize and leaving for the dive site in Roatan.

Anthony's Key in Roatan, Leaving Port in Roatan (sniff, sniff) and our last day at breakfast
So eight years ago Jennie and I decided we wanted to go on a cruise. After Ty passed away it gave us something to focus on and plan, and it finally came to fruition. Rob, Tracey, Rick, Jennie and Tom spent 9 days away from reality on the Carnival Legend. Waking up each day in a new country was so great (old news to Rick, hahaha) and looking out the window and seeing gorgeous water was so relaxing. The pictures do not do justice to the color the water was...after my made up color of "sunset" (all the colors in the sky 10 minutes after a sunset...orangish, pinky, red) "cool water" has to be the next most awesome color in nature (crystal clear-teal, dark blue and green). The pictures pale, really they do...

Our first stop was Grand Cayman where we went diving and had lunch at an awesome restaurant right on the water. The meal was great and the view was fantastic. On the way back to the ship we went into the Guy Harvey store and bought tee shirts. We went upstairs and HE WAS THERE, Guy Harvey himself, painting in his studio. He signed our shirts and talked for a few minutes. Really nice guy. We made it back to the boat just in time to set sail. Mother would NOT be pleased! The next port was Cozumel and we spent the day deep sea fishing. We didn't catch anything (we were in barracuda waters) so we hit the stores for souvenirs. We coined the term "
shotting", instead of shopping, since they give you a shot of
tequila at each store. Ask Rick about the
Lapis Lazuli mask...Up next, Belize. If I hear the term "butt up" ever again I will pass out. We went down a river in a tube, through a really LONG dark cave. Yes, the coal miner lamps helped but it was not my favorite part of the vacation...especially when I was dragging my rear on the rocks, hence the aforementioned saying, never to come from my lips again. Last stop was Roatan, Honduras. No doubt- one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. The country is really not developed but the people are wonderful and the water is so awesome. We went scuba diving again and I have officially decided that I want to be a mermaid when I grow up....seriously! I hated leaving there and I am trying to figure out how to get back. Just a side note, the pig towel was an example of what the cabin staff would leave in our rooms with the mints...if you want me to make it, Rick bought me the book on "how to", big surprise!! We had an awesome time and I can't wait to go again. Maybe the Southern Caribbean this time???