When can we go outside and play?!?!

Ryan had a meltdown and missed the first few minutes of playtime. She was peeking out at the fun and the boys were hitting her window with snowballs!

Jared making his snowball to start Frosty-unaware of the danger behind him...

...look out Jared!!

After Kevin missed Jared at point blank range, they decided to work together to build our FIRST snowman in our own yard EVER. They made one 2 years ago at Rick's in Michigan, but not at home.

Ryan got paroled and everyone joined in the fun.

This is tough work :)

Starting to take shape

DONE! What a great job. It's easy when you have a kit ;)

Jared hitting the sled on Day Lily Speedway...and

the sled hitting Kevin on the nose....

Ryan looking cute before her death run down the street. Just kidding, the snow/ice was starting to melt so she went super slow.

What a beautiful day! It was worth the wait...only 10 years in the making. Maybe we'll get another one this year??? Nah....