One of my favorite pictures
Another favorite. She just got her hair cut and felt so good...
She attacked me and the camera. She always got the "run arounds" when she got her hairs cut...
Foxfire Special Edition
After almost fourteen years in our lives, we had to put our sweet Foxi Girl to sleep. Such a great little Scottie, she lived in four homes, had three kids (that she didn't ask for) and two cats (which she CERTAINLY didn't ask for) but she was always our Foxi girl. I remember going to get her from Wisconsin like it was yesterday. We walked in and she picked us out immediately. House trained from day one, she never liked going out in the rain or the snow-ever. She loved the lake and her big back yard at the old house. A great day to her was chasing bubbles, playing daddy-boo with Rob and the kids or howling along to trumpet practice. Even after the neighbor dog hurt her, she was always so sweet and gentle with the kids. She loved running along the fence with neighbor dogs and she would cheat if the other dog was faster (she would stop halfway and run back to the beginning, but usually the other dog would still beat her). Speaking of stopping halfway, if you ever tried to take her for a walk, she would only go so far and then just stop. Wherever she got tired was where she would quit and the only way home was to carry her. She LOVED the kid's play balls, but she would always pop them when she tried to "play" with them. She loved pigs ears, her stocking on Christmas morning and a good nap in her beanbag chair. Going "bye-byes" in the car to the lake was always a special treat. Seadoo rides were the best but she loved the big boat or hanging out on a raft just as much.

I was looking for pictures of her in our files and she is in almost every one-maybe not all of her, just a glimpse, her tail or her backside, but she is there. She has been there for my first day of college, our wedding day, our first new home, and she was there when we brought all of the kids home from the hospital. She's just always been there. Our pictures, our house and our hearts will be empty without her...she truly was such a
special addition to our lives...we love you Foxi.

At the lake with Uncle Ricky and Kevy bu
With her people after a game of Daddy-boo (scruffy little face)

My all time favorite shot.