What a week. I seriously sat on the porch the entire time. I think I went on the boat a couple times and in the house to eat and use the bathroom, but the majority of the time was outside listening to the kids play, riding our bikes or shooting the b-b gun. All of us got into the bb gun action. I loved some of the pictures of the kids going after the tin cans...

Of course the Easter bunny had a HUGE hunt for the kids, hid the baskets and brought lots of chocolate. That explains the chocolate foot prints from one room to the other. Maybe hard candy for the outside eggs next year :) Like Ryan's socks? My nickname used to be "little miss red socks" from my 1st principle Mrs. Jurrack....guess it's herreditary. :)

Spring Break wouldn't be complete with out a Rusty trip. Sherry was gracious enough to let us come love on Rusty for the afternoon. What a great day!

Rusty and Ryan
We had a GREAT time visiting with Uncle Ricky, Gran and Grandfather...the time went too fast as always. Soon it will be time for Sky Valley-YAY that means SUMMER time. Wahoo! I can't wait to spend EVERYDAY with my three favorite little people. They are gettign so big so fast. I wish time would just slow down for a bit. Jared goes off to middle school next year, sniff sniff. New adventures to be had...
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