Good Luck Jared!


"Swimmers take your marks..."
What a day! We started our morning bright an early by heading down to Auburn Al. We decided to drive the kiddos around campus since we were going to be in Columbus for the meet anyways. We had a big group with The Homer 5, Gran and Grandfather in one car and Grammy and Pop Pop in the other. We drove around town and hit some of our old haunts. This was Kevin and Ryan's first trip to Tiger Town and they seemed to like it. We decided to go into a couple of stores for Auburn Gear and then off to lunch. We tried Niffers but they weren't open yet so we hit Gutheries (precursor to Zaxby's). We all decided to come back soon for a football game and then it was off to Columbus for the meet. Jared's first event was freestyle and it was the second one of the 2nd shift. There was chaos in the bullpen and as a result, Jared missed his event. They put someone in his lane and he missed his swim. Poor thing shook it off a lot quicker then his Dad and I did. As long as it didn't bother him I was ok...kind of. So now we drove a few hours away from home to only watch him compete in three events...humph! Next up was backstroke and Jared's worst event by far. He really is almost comical in the way he executes this stroke. He seriously looks as though he is out for a Sunday stroll...he ended up shaving off 5 seconds from his seed time to take a 9th place overall, earning 9 points for Chattahoochee Gold. His second event was breaststroke, this is his favorite stroke and is very difficult. He took two seconds off his seed time and placed 7th to earn 12 more points for the team. Last event was the butterfly, not his favorite, but one of his strongest events. He took off two seconds and took 3rd place for yet another 16 points for the team. We were so proud of him for shaking off the episode at the start of the meet, for doing his best and for beating his own times (not worrying about what the other kids were doing). We kept telling him that if he beat his own times that the other things (placement, points and awards) would fall into place. We got some good news at church this morning...a friend that also swims was there until the end of the meet and said that Jared got a trophy for his third place finish. AWESOME! He is SO excited and he really worked hard to earn it. HUGE thank you to Gran and Grandfather for driving all the way down from Hartwell for the meet and also to Grammy and Pop Pop for making the trek from Atlanta.

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