The first weekend of our break we found out that the Toomers Trees had been poisoned. For anyone who went to Auburn this is such a sickening thought. Why would someone hurt our trees? Our roots run deep in the plains and they start with those trees. Whenever we have a big win, we make an exodus to Toomer's Corner and roll the trees with toilet paper. It's a great way to celebrate and it's harmless. Why would someone do this? It is just despicable. We decided to take the kids on a field trip to see the trees before they die. Brandon is living down there so he met us for the day and we made some awesome memories.

Outside of Samford Hall

One of my favorite bookstores on campus

The trees with Toomer's in the background

Rob and Bran in front of the lesser tree

Looking back at the trees from outside of Toomers Drug store

Going in to get a lemonade

Ryan's first drink of lemonade, YUMMO!

The boys as we head over to see more of the campus.

One more shot from the other corner

Haley center. I had many classes here :)

Outside the Colosseum. I have a picture like this from when Rob graduated.

How cute will this picture be if Ryan signs on to swim for AU?

The aquatic center-utterly breathtaking.

Both kids said they want to swim here-time will tell.

Loved this display at the Auburn museum inside the new Arena

Getting tired of walking around

The boys met Aubie at a baseball game

Ryan decided to come meet him too :)

Beautiful day with great company. We won't wait so long to come back again!
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