So here we are again, two months later (woops, it's September-make that 3) before I got a chance to blog about the Summer happenings in The Homerhouse. I blame Facebook. I upload pictures all the time to FB and then I don't blog because I have a ton of repeat offenders that follow the blog and then also follow me on FB. I don't Tweet, I tried, I don't like birds, so Twitter is out for me. FB serves it's purpose but I digress.
Part of the reason I constantly find myself in this position is because we are ALWAYS in motion, even when we relax we are on the go. THAT is why I want to blog-before I know it I will be blogging about Jared going off to College. ick.
One of our commitments is the Church Youth committee and Fall Fair. I usually do what I can to help with these two events. When I found out there was going to be a BAKE off I just put the idea out of my mind. You know me and the kitchen...not a great relationship. So when Kevin decided he wanted to enter I had to revisit the idea. We were filling out the form and noticed that there were age divisions. If you remember
Kevin took home a prize from the 1st annual Chili Cook Off. Now he was really excited to be going up against "someone his own size". There was also a division for Ryan (groan) so of course she wanted to make an entry as well. *Sigh* ok, well then I may as well enter too. So we had Ryan in the 4-9 age group with her Famous Chocolaty Chocolate Cake (from a box mind you ;)) and Kevin with his Wild-Berry Pie. He. Would. Not. Settle. It had to be pie and it had to be wild-berry with no strawberries. I went with Great Grammy Frink's coffee cake, using Key Lime filling in honor of summer. :)
There were two prizes per age division, Name and Taste. Kevin won for name last time and he wasn't fooled-he wanted to win for taste. Ryan didn't care, she just wanted to enter. I saw the task as a daunting afternoon in the kitchen-an place wholly uncomfortable to me.
Ryan was up first. To make the effort of keeping to the 4-9 age limit, though my kitchen knowledge ranks between 7-8 years of age, I let Ryan do MOST of it on her own. I pulled the cakes out of the oven and Kevin helped with the mixer but other than that, she did it all on her own. Oh yeah, right, the egg shell pieces-Kevin helped her pick those out. Lucky I told her to use a bowl first in case such an occasion should arise. See, I know some stuff in the kitchen. ;)



Flipping ~that was tricky ;)

Decorating--Super yummy if you like chocolate cake. The entry name?
"WWJD?...Eat my Cake!"We got the kitchen cleaned up and then it was Kevin's Turn. If you notice the thermometer in the above picture it was 100 degrees outside, too hot to even go to the pool. Maybe a day in the kitchen with my kiddos wasn't so bad after all.
When we had gone shopping the kids had to pick out all the items on their own. Kevin wanted berries and he picked raspberry, blueberry and black berry. He found a recipe and made the pie *almost* on his own. I did have to step in and show my wicked pie top making skills that Grandma Lou taught me. The recipe called for a covered pie crust but he "wanted it to look like a picnic pie". He also changed to top from white sugar glaze to a brown sugar/ butter caramelize. Whatever dude, it's your pie.
What do you get when you cross a geek and the kitchen? A kid, happy in all his hairs, that it's "Pi" day.... Oh yeah, I heard that 8 million times.

weaving the top

Germ-a-phobe-me makes sure there is no tasting in the kitchen, but I did let him lick the topping bowl. Who can resist brown sugar and butter?

TA~DA, and the entry name?
"Water in to Wild Berry Pie"Mine was nothing to blog about therefore there are no pictures. Maybe because the house evacuates when I put my apron on. Oh well, quiet time.
At church we had a lovely pasta meal followed by the competition. Ryan was crestfallen when the 4-9 name winner was called out. Kevin didn't care when the tween name was called out and I didn't really get creative with my name, Sublime-Key Lime. Yeah, I figured it would be a name like
Adam's Apple Pie or
Taste of Eden, something like that so I just went with the obvious. (BTW, Adam's Apple Pie was the winning name. HA!)
Then I got nervous, the winner for the 4-9?!?! RYAN, yahoo, the kid can cook-the curse is broken. She was over. the . moon. Everyone told her how wonderful it was. Kevin was grumbling under his breath that it came from a box. ;) After that victory I got REALLY nervous, I wanted Kevin to win, this boy LOVES to cook. He had this all planned out and the pie was so decadent. No fooling, I was hoping people wouldn't eat it so we would have some to take home-it was THAT good. But no worries, he won. Oh, yeah-the boy got the award. Know what it was? a bunt pan. Super cool for an aspiring chef but only my child would look at the pastor and say, "I wish I would have won a crock pot". Oh, help.
It ended up being a GREAT day, it was a ton of fun and I had made memories and yummies with two of the urchins. A day to remember and their efforts were rewarded. As for me? I lost out to a carrot cake. Whatever, more leftovers for me ;)