...ok, for the rest of you---fasten your belts, I have tons of good news from the Carrollton Southwest Divisionals :)
I skipped yesterday because I went to Angie's baby shower :) Rob called with the first bit of news, Ryan came in first in her heat for her 25 free. I thought, ok, out of what 4 kids? Nope, all 8, a full heat. She blew her seed time out by 3.5 seconds for a 24 second 25 free. Awesome!! I had to wait until after the meet for full details and the news was great. Jared did ok for his first two events, nothing to blog about. Oh wait, I just did :) Ryan's next event was the 25 fly, to which she shaved off 6.5 seconds-came in 16th out of 50 and got 1 point for the team. Yahoo! Jared was up next with the 50 fly, to which he finally posted a time, and came in 16th as well, also scoring 1 point for Gold. Ryan came in second in her backstroke heat and completely fell asleep for the 100 free. That's ok, she did great. Jared finished strong, dumping 9 seconds off his IM, taking first in his heat & 13th overall to score more points for Gold!!
Day two started hot off the blocks and stayed that way until the end. In Ryan's 50 free she took off almost 2 seconds and 1.5 on her 25 breast. Jared's 100 free was 4 seconds better then his best time and even though he was right on his time for 50 breast-he came in 14th, posting points. More impressively he did a 100 fly for the first time today and came in with a 13th place finish, again, good enough to point. Ryan wasn't going to let Jared get all the glory, she decided to take 3 more seconds off her 25 back to which Jared let her go unanswered for his final event, he was right on his time for his 50 back. If that boy could figure out how to use the flags he would rock the back stroke. The last event was Ryan's 100 IM. She hasn't done it yet, has had kind of a mental thing about it, and needs it for the Iron Man award. I'm not sure how many kids have ever received this award at 6 years old, but she is 2 events away. For her age group all you need to do is post a time in all the 25's, 50's, 100 Free and 100 IM, sound easy right? She needed the IM today and she did awesome on the fly and back, then it looked like she was DQ'd for the turn from breast to free...so close!! We talked to the coach and she thought she was good, a friend called later (thanks Mary!!) and said she did post, 30 out of 33, but it was there! All we need is the 50 fly and we have one shot at it...we'll see what happens in April at Mako Mania...
So here is the run down:
Jared had 5 out of 8 personal bests, 1 heat winner and put points up in 4 events. AWESOME!
Ryan had 5 out of 8 personal bests, 1 heat winner pointed in 1 event and put herself 1 event closer to the Iron Man...stay tuned!

LOVE IT!! Those are great pictures. They look so determined yet having a blast at the same time. Tell them we said CONGRATS!! It was so good to see you on Saturday.
Not that I know anything about swimming, but it's sounds like they did awesome. How fun! Your kiddos are just darling! I love all the great photos!
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