I have no pictures from the MLK meet. I tend to not take my camera there because it is not the best area of town. That was made obvious when Ryan's iPod got stolen while we were sitting with 20 of our friends. On her birthday no less. What a bummer.
As far as swimming was concerned, Ryan placed in all her events. This was her last meet as a 7 year old (since her birthday was the day after they started the meet she was registered as a 7) and she went out with a bang. She has finally grown into her age group and as kids age up and she gets faster I expect her to be close to the top here soon. She is seeded in the top ten for most of her meets and has been in the top 6 after finals. Awesome! The final results are still not posted from this weekends meet but she placed 3rd in her 50 free (dropped 3 seconds and is 3 seconds away from a 9-10 state cut...are you kidding me?!), 6th in her 25 back (right on her time), 2nd in her 50 breast (dropped 1/2 a second), 2nd in her 25 fly (down a second) and she qualified for the medley relay and they took first. WTG Pinkie!
Jared also swam on Saturday for the MLK. Rob hasn't seen him swim in a while and he was pleasantly surprised. :) In his first event he took 3 seconds off his 100 free and took 24th place, next up was his 50 back where he dropped a second and came in 24th place again, 100 breast is still his favorite and he was right at his time and came in 12th, final event of the day was the 100 IM where he came in on his time and probably finished around 22nd.
Sunday was a full day at church and the Kell Longhorn Classic. Since it is our tournament it is mandatory to be there and volunteer. While I took the church shift with Jared and Ryan, Rob took Kevin to the match. It was not a beginners tournament and Kevin got pinned pretty quick in both his matches. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
He came back the next day (Martin Luther King Jr Monday) for the Kell Greenhorn. Also our tournament but this time for 1st and 2nd year wrestlers only. My parents were in town for this since my dad had a hearing aid appointment. So far I was the only one to witness a Kevin win over the last two years and Kevin was set on getting a pin. His first match was a bye, second was a win by forfeit--great, we were guaranteed a bronze before he even stepped foot on the mat.
His first kid beat his first opponent. I looked at Kevin and told him it was the kid he ALMOST beat the week before, he only needed a couple more seconds to get him pinned, so today he just needed to get in there and get the pin early. I have NO CLUE if this was the same kid. :) Kevin got in the ring, put a game face on and got the kid pinned in the first period. AWESOME!!! 1st pin EVER :) Super excited. My dad had to leave for his appointment so he had missed it, luckily Gran was there and so was Jared so I have people to vouch that he did really do it. I bought him his shirt and he was over the moon.
His next match was also a win by forfeit so he was now guaranteed silver. Sweet! The coach of the other kid requested a rematch for exhibition during Kevin's bye. Since Kevin's coach thought the other kid should have won the first time around (he was VERY proud that Kevin went from being the non aggressor to the winner in that match) I wasn't sure how it would go. At least my dad was back in time to see Kevin actually compete. Not sure if the other coach just wanted mat time or redemption? Well, he got the mat time but Kevin walked away with his second pin. Too bad it didn't count for scoring...it was a nice recreation for Grandfather :)
Third match was against the kid that got beat in the first round. I told Kevin that if he won this he was champion. I also told him this kid was taller and faster, but he was stronger and bigger so get in there and intimidate him right off the bat. When he took to the center of the ring I almost peed my pants. The look on his face was like a chihuahua trying to stare down a pit bull. He had this weird constipated angry look on his face but it must have worked. The kid was pinned by the 3rd round and Kevin was the champion of the 10U! I was so super proud of him.
I don't usually take my camera to wrestling because the light is always so poor at the gyms. We were so blessed that a friend of ours was on the floor and took awesome pictures and got some great ones of Kevy. What a memorable day!!

the starting hand shake

Kevin going in for the first strike, right or wrong always go in for the first move. I told him to tackle that poor kid, maybe not what his coach would have said but I put it in terms he could get fired up about.

wrestling faces! love the dimples ;)

take down!

this one makes me laugh and think about
Christmas Story, "he laid there like a slug, it was his only defense..."

Guess the kid was trying hard to not get pinned down...

...didn't work! :) Kevin got the pin and the win.

YAY! The Champion :)