The History:
Last Year Jared decided to do something completely unprecedented in our house, he wanted to do a Triathlon. What?!? Yup, he wanted to swim/bike/run. We have some friends at Chattahoochee Gold that do them and they have kind of lit a fire under everyone to at least Try and complete a Tri. So last year Jared did VERY well, and Kevin was miffed that we didn't sign him up.

So time came around to register for the 2011 Tri and I put both boys in immediately. Ryan on the other hand was on the fence about doing it. Our friends (The Everest's) are still very involved in the Tri world, in fact they were housing their friend and National Iron Kids Tri Champion, Winter Vinecki, at their home for a week. Winter came to Gold practice all week and got to know the kids. I went to see her speak at Bascomb Elementary in Cherokee County and was sincerely impressed. She started doing Tri's with her dad when she was 5 years old. When she was 9 her dad was diagnosed and passed away from Prostate Cancer. She started her own organization, Team Winter, to raise awareness and raise money. Man, I love this kid! She is at over $330,000 in 3 years. I know how hard Friends for LIFE has worked to bring in $280 K in 8 years, this kid has my utmost respect! SO, with that being said, Ryan was now enamored with doing a Triathlon (thanks Winter! ;))

The Race:
Last year we had it SO easy (except for the rain). Register, prepare and line up one child. This year we knew we had a problem. One kid was getting in the water and starting the transition to the bike while then next was getting in the water. Then we had one transitioning to the run, one to the bike and the third getting into the pool. It became increasingly more difficult as we threw more balls in the air, or kids into the race if you will. Jared started off the chaos with the 100 yard swim and I was able to catch a picture of him as he came running up the ramp into the bike transition area~

Next came Kevin up the ramp while Rob was watching for Jared to start on the 2.5 mile bike~

While I was waiting for Ryan to swim, Jared ran behind me from the bike transition to the run~

Last up the ramp was Pinkie and she was on fire in the pool, I think the girl passed 5 kids during that leg of the race! :D

I followed her to the bike transition area and was running along the course to try and make my way to the finish line-Jared should be done soon! Whew! I'm getting my exercise :) I snapped a quick pic of her on the bike as she zoomed past me...

I J.U.S.T made it in time to see my Jared cross the finish line, WTG buddy, I am SO proud of you!

I turned around and guess who was coming down the hill? Yup, Kevin on the run!

I had a few minutes to get a shot of Jared Post-Race and make sure he was doing alright, he was so proud of himself, we were sure he beat his time from last year!

Before we knew it, it was time to look for Kevin. We were pretty sure he was hurting. I'm impressed that you can take a football player off the field and throw him right into a Tri, but that kid has moxie man, he did it and looked great too! We found out later that he wiped out on the bike- no injuries-just a slower time. (I LOVE how Jared is waiting for him at the end!!)

I walked over and sat down next to Kevin to give him some congrats, man he looked beat, but I got a great picture of him. "Everything hurts", he said, but he was happy that he did it!

By now we have no sign of the Pinkster. Where is she?!? I started getting worried when lo and behold she comes WALKING down the hill. She and another girl were chatting away like two old ladies walking their dog. We start yelling at her to RUN, that she is in a RACE, to MOVE it...:) all I can say is that she was having a really great time. That's all that matters ;) We waited an immeasurable amount of time for her to finish the run when she finally came around the corner. I was running down the sidewalk with her and so was Jared, that was SO super cool!

A couple quick pictures of her and she was off to the bouncy house in the celebration area. She has already had her post race smoothie and fruit. I can honestly say that she took in the ENTIRE experience.

One last picture of all of them together, at the end of the race. No injuries, no sadness~ Just the smiles of happiness that they accomplished the Tri...together!

The Results:
So after getting the kids home and carb loaded we had a chance to catch up on the day. Jared loved it and would gladly do it again. Kevin had fun and will probably do it again. Ryan had a great time but said she wasn't sure if she would do it again. Give her time-I think she really liked it. :) Results were not yet posted when we went to swimming the next day. Our friends asked how we did since they were at a different Tri in Iowa. Ryan was over the moon about the entire thing saying that she would definitely do it again. See-I told ya ;)
Monday night I finally got the results.
Over all it was a great event, the money went to Camp Twitch and Shout which is sponsored by my friend from Relay for Life, Brad Cohen. See how life just intertwines amongst itself?
Last Year Jared decided to do something completely unprecedented in our house, he wanted to do a Triathlon. What?!? Yup, he wanted to swim/bike/run. We have some friends at Chattahoochee Gold that do them and they have kind of lit a fire under everyone to at least Try and complete a Tri. So last year Jared did VERY well, and Kevin was miffed that we didn't sign him up.

So time came around to register for the 2011 Tri and I put both boys in immediately. Ryan on the other hand was on the fence about doing it. Our friends (The Everest's) are still very involved in the Tri world, in fact they were housing their friend and National Iron Kids Tri Champion, Winter Vinecki, at their home for a week. Winter came to Gold practice all week and got to know the kids. I went to see her speak at Bascomb Elementary in Cherokee County and was sincerely impressed. She started doing Tri's with her dad when she was 5 years old. When she was 9 her dad was diagnosed and passed away from Prostate Cancer. She started her own organization, Team Winter, to raise awareness and raise money. Man, I love this kid! She is at over $330,000 in 3 years. I know how hard Friends for LIFE has worked to bring in $280 K in 8 years, this kid has my utmost respect! SO, with that being said, Ryan was now enamored with doing a Triathlon (thanks Winter! ;))

The Race:
Last year we had it SO easy (except for the rain). Register, prepare and line up one child. This year we knew we had a problem. One kid was getting in the water and starting the transition to the bike while then next was getting in the water. Then we had one transitioning to the run, one to the bike and the third getting into the pool. It became increasingly more difficult as we threw more balls in the air, or kids into the race if you will. Jared started off the chaos with the 100 yard swim and I was able to catch a picture of him as he came running up the ramp into the bike transition area~

Next came Kevin up the ramp while Rob was watching for Jared to start on the 2.5 mile bike~

While I was waiting for Ryan to swim, Jared ran behind me from the bike transition to the run~

Last up the ramp was Pinkie and she was on fire in the pool, I think the girl passed 5 kids during that leg of the race! :D

I followed her to the bike transition area and was running along the course to try and make my way to the finish line-Jared should be done soon! Whew! I'm getting my exercise :) I snapped a quick pic of her on the bike as she zoomed past me...

I J.U.S.T made it in time to see my Jared cross the finish line, WTG buddy, I am SO proud of you!

I turned around and guess who was coming down the hill? Yup, Kevin on the run!

I had a few minutes to get a shot of Jared Post-Race and make sure he was doing alright, he was so proud of himself, we were sure he beat his time from last year!

Before we knew it, it was time to look for Kevin. We were pretty sure he was hurting. I'm impressed that you can take a football player off the field and throw him right into a Tri, but that kid has moxie man, he did it and looked great too! We found out later that he wiped out on the bike- no injuries-just a slower time. (I LOVE how Jared is waiting for him at the end!!)

I walked over and sat down next to Kevin to give him some congrats, man he looked beat, but I got a great picture of him. "Everything hurts", he said, but he was happy that he did it!

By now we have no sign of the Pinkster. Where is she?!? I started getting worried when lo and behold she comes WALKING down the hill. She and another girl were chatting away like two old ladies walking their dog. We start yelling at her to RUN, that she is in a RACE, to MOVE it...:) all I can say is that she was having a really great time. That's all that matters ;) We waited an immeasurable amount of time for her to finish the run when she finally came around the corner. I was running down the sidewalk with her and so was Jared, that was SO super cool!

A couple quick pictures of her and she was off to the bouncy house in the celebration area. She has already had her post race smoothie and fruit. I can honestly say that she took in the ENTIRE experience.

One last picture of all of them together, at the end of the race. No injuries, no sadness~ Just the smiles of happiness that they accomplished the Tri...together!

The Results:
So after getting the kids home and carb loaded we had a chance to catch up on the day. Jared loved it and would gladly do it again. Kevin had fun and will probably do it again. Ryan had a great time but said she wasn't sure if she would do it again. Give her time-I think she really liked it. :) Results were not yet posted when we went to swimming the next day. Our friends asked how we did since they were at a different Tri in Iowa. Ryan was over the moon about the entire thing saying that she would definitely do it again. See-I told ya ;)
Monday night I finally got the results.
Jared came in 2 minutes under his time from last year. He was 21st out of 24 but I was really impressed that he came in 5th for the swim leg. WTG!
Kevin was 31 out of 34 but I was so stinking happy he finished (so was he!) ;) He came in in the middle of the pack for swim at 16th.
Ryan finished 17th out of 23 and was 3rd in the swim. Had she run up the ramp I am quite certain she would have been first. We just need to work on our transition times (these kids are FAST!) and a bit on the running for Ryan (ahem, that means she has to RUN not WALK next time) hehehe.
Kevin was 31 out of 34 but I was so stinking happy he finished (so was he!) ;) He came in in the middle of the pack for swim at 16th.
Ryan finished 17th out of 23 and was 3rd in the swim. Had she run up the ramp I am quite certain she would have been first. We just need to work on our transition times (these kids are FAST!) and a bit on the running for Ryan (ahem, that means she has to RUN not WALK next time) hehehe.
Over all it was a great event, the money went to Camp Twitch and Shout which is sponsored by my friend from Relay for Life, Brad Cohen. See how life just intertwines amongst itself?
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