Remember our super excited Bronze Girl??....

...Well, meet our super Silver Girl!!

Sorry the picture quality is low, the camera did NOT like the cold snap we had in January. Going from Arctic to sauna is never a good idea. Ryan couldn't wait to get into the pool to practice so my lens didn't get a chance to defog. This is our Pinkie Girl on her first day of Silver practice. She was officially 6 when she moved up, I wonder if that's normal? I don't think it is. :)

Watching the clock to see when to leave.
Like her new cap? She got that for her birthday. If you don't know the story, there were two Ryan's in her Bronze group so Coach K called her Ryan Pink (her goggle color). The boy Ryan would still look up though so Coach just started calling her Pinkie. Everyone calls her Pinkie at the pool, her friends, all the coaches, the owner of the team...yes, the owner knows who she is. It's kind of like her super power persona. I like to think of her as a mini mascot for Gold, she's such a firecracker and LOVES being in the pool-it really is a lot of fun to watch her swim.

just keep swimming...just keep swimming...

Did you have fun? "YES!!"
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