After the tour we met back at 714 and had a great lunch. We had "Beer, chips and a wiener on a bun". I was sitting on the porch with my mom's 97 year old aunt, Auntie Ruth (my Grandpa's sister) and that's what she said we were having to eat...I L.O.V.E this woman--she always has the most beautiful smile and the funniest things to say. She is such a dear person and I can guarantee that she will show up somewhere in my I
♥ faces entry someday.

Aunt Lisa, Carol, Margie, Judy, Alan, Ed and Steve

Rick and I having lunch

Off to the hotel so the kids could swim and we could squeeze in a game of sheepshead--Awesome!

Back at the ranch deciding what to do...

Taste of Champaign was in town so we decided to head over there for a bit. Mom, Dad, Rick, the boys and I climbed into the car---first stop bookstore for some books and a U of I football shirt for Kevin. Then on to the festival...it was H.O.T!! It was crowed but there were lots of arts, crafts, rides and food--what a great afternoon. The kids really wanted these medallions that you can make. You strike a coin on both sides at once, with any two patterns of your choosing, using this guillotine type device. The boys picked out Ryan's (she was back at the hotel for swimming, round #2). It was really a cool thing and not your ordinary souvenir-Jared has a smooshed penny collection that he gets from all over so this was right up his alley.

time for some relaxing music :)

Mom and her cousins: Margie, Carol and Judy

Outside for s'more fun :) My cousin Steve put together a fantastic geneolgy collection for all of the cousins. Inside was a picture of our relatives back around the 1940's roasting marshmallows, it was really neat to see that picture. It made me smile thinking that s'mores is something we do all the time---what a neat tradition.
Before we knew it, it was Sunday morning and time to be getting on the road. Lisa and Howie fed us AGAIN-this time another wonderful brunch. We spent a bit saying our goodbyes but not before a quick science lesson in the yard. We got to recreate the Mentos experiment that Elizabeth did in school...what a great treat! Each child took a turn exploding a container of soda, what could be more fun?? All the kids had a BLAST :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH Howie, Lisa and Elizabethfor opening your home, sharing your food and creating lasting memories for all of us!!
On the way home we went through Metropolis, Illinois. Rick and I kind of laughed, pulled off the freeway and took a slight detour that we thought the kids might enjoy. Here are some pics...

Dund- da-da-DA!! Kev-Man!

What a SUPER way to end out weekend!!
Looks like you all had a great time. I love all the pics but especially "Kev Man". You can tell he isn't a "lovin kind of guy".
Awe, Auntie Ruth, what a gem!
Oh my, Kev-man... way to crack me up!
Don't you just love reunions? Good stuff.
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